Hey guys, love your work, so can I be a SGAD?

Hi there, thanks for the feedback! Yes of course you can become a SGAD - as long as you are a resident of Spreyton Gurnish, the hamlet of Venton St.Lobb or St.Piriton's Way that is. SGADS meet up the first Wednesday of every second month, bank holidays/pagan feast days excl. Just pop along to the Spreyton Gurnish Village Hall with your jazz shoes, an open heart and subscription payment of £12.36 made payable of JULIET BARNARD-COOMBE, cheques/postal orders/cash in envelope fine. 



Where can I find Juliet-Barnard Coombe limited edition prints, autographs, fan fiction, novelty pen toppers and memorandia?

Oh Hi there, thanks for your interest in Juliet's work. You can obtain all manner of fan fayre(!) by contacting the great lady herself at Curtain Down Cottage, 4 Cuckoo Spit Passage, Higher Gurnish, Devon, PL20 ^Fh. 


Juliet is also currently working on her memoirs 'Open hearts and wide open tabs: the power of theatre in transforming rural life'  (working title), stay tuned for details! 

Hey there, I auditioned and didn't get a part - what the frig is up with that?!

Oh, hi there. First and foremost thanks awfully for sharing with us your time and, we've no doubt, some form of 'talent'. Unfortunately, in order to maintain the highest possible standards of quality here at SGADS we do have a rigorous audition process and, sadly, not everyone can come up to scratch - hey if we were all brilliant actors there'd be no plasterers or mental health nurses, then where would be eh? 


Why not channel that frustrated theatrical energy into becomeing crew? Or better yet why not treat yourself to a limited edition Juliet Barnard-Coombe print, novelty pen topper or memorandia? 

I thought it was Badminton tonight?

Oh, hi there, yes I'm afraid Badminton club has been moved to every third thursday and consecutive soltices whilst the SGADS production of 'A Coalition Carol' gets under way. So take those shuttlecocks elsewhere Badmin lovers!